The LRET Annual "Transport Risk Management" Lecture 2012...


Prof Chris Johnson

The LRET Annual Lecture 2012 was delivered by Professor Chris Johnson from the University of Glasgow on cyber security and the risks to Europe's transport network.

...was presented by Professor Chris Johnson at the 31st of October.

This year’s Imperial College London-The LRET Annual Lecture on Transport Risk Management, entitled "Cyber safety in Europe’s transport system" was presented by Professor Chris Johnson on 31st October. Chris Johnson is Professor of Computing Science at Glasgow University and heads a team of researchers who research incident and accident reporting techniques and use advanced simulation tools to support safety and security risk assessments in critical infrastructures.

His lecture highlighted growing vulnerabilities and safety impacts of malware on the different modes of transportation. It argued that there is an urgent need for greater regulatory intervention to ensure the 'cyber safety' of our transportation infrastructures. The event was well attended by 120 practitioners, academics and students of various disciplines related to transport risks. In the reception that followed the lecture, members of The LRET TRMC exhibited posters related to their research.


Nicole Kudla

Nicole Kudla
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

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