Match highlights: BUCS competition 2012-13 Week 7


bucs highlights

On a wet and windy day IC and ICSM teams braved the elements at Harlington and Teddington to get their league games played.

bucs highlightsOn a wet and windy day IC and ICSM teams braved the elements at Harlington and Teddington to get their league games played.

Despite the weather the conditions IC Football 1sts had a perfect playing surface for their game against Hertfordshire making use of the 3G pitch. The torrential downpour pre kick off made for a slick passing surface on the 3G which in truth IC struggled to get used to in the early stages. Hertfordshire settled into the game quicker and started to dominate possession in large parts of the first half. Despite this IC looked string in defence and never really looked like conceding.

At half time the team were encouraged by their coach (QPR’s Dave Robinson) to mix things up a little, “we are trying to play football which is good lads but sometimes we are not getting up the pitch! Jack is making some great runs in behind so let’s try to find him.”

In the second half the team clearly put the half-time ideas into practice playing forward earlier and regaining possession better. Imperial made the breakthrough after the awarding of a free kick just inside their own half. Quick thinking and a good long pass by Jonny Hill saw Jack Robinson rise well to head on his strike partner Pete Bjorkstrand who finished well first time from a tough angle.

Imperial continued to look threatening on the break and solid in defence - Pete Woodhead marshalling the back line well and making some good tackles to keep Hertfordshire out in the closing stages.

Man of the Match and team captain Pete Woodhead said after the match “the conditions made it hard for both teams today but I am really pleased with the commitment of the lads, we have had such a good start to the season and we are focussed on keeping it going and earning promotion from this league.”

Elsewhere there was another good win for the IC Football Club, Men’s 2nd beat Kingston 3-2.  Over on the hockey pitch IC ladies 1st were braving the cold conditions and putting in a great performance earning a well deserved point drawing 2-2 against Chichester 1st, IC Hockey Women’s 2nd secured a great win v Canterbury Christ Church 2nd beating them 3-0.  Unfortunately Women’s Lacrosse 1st lost out 3-6 to Royal Holloway and Rugby Men’s 3rd came up short against St Georges 2nd, losing the game 0-24.

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Minmin Chen

Minmin Chen
Finance Division

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