Imperial News

Weathering the storm: Finance Director Andrew Murphy moves on

by Andrew Czyzewski

After seven years of service, Director of Finance, Andrew Murphy is moving on to a new role at the University of London.

The last few years have been financially challenging for all universities; but Imperial’s Finance Division, headed by Andrew Murphy, has helped the College maintain a strong position. After seven years of service, Andrew is moving on to a new role at the University of London.

Can you describe your role at Imperial?

I am responsible for ensuring that staff and suppliers are paid each month, students receive their bursaries, we pay the right amount of tax, money owed is collected and the financial position of the College is reported on a regular basis both internally to management and externally to stakeholders. It’s a varied role which allows me to get involved in different areas across College and deal with many interesting people.

How did you end up at the College?

I previously worked for a number of large companies including British Airways, Amersham Plc and finally GE, but found that I preferred working at the centre of organisations where the decisions are made. A recruiter then persuaded me that the university sector would be an interesting and challenging environment to work in and he was right – I’ve really enjoyed my time at Imperial.

What are you most proud of from your time at the College?

Despite the uncertain times that we are in, the College is in very good financial health, thanks in no small part to the team here at the Finance Division. This enables the College to face the future with confidence and make its own choices.

Has your career brought you into contact with any memorable people?

I remember when Boris Johnson came to open Eastside and gave a very entertaining speech. He arrived on his bike and the security team had to assign someone to personally guard it. You can imagine the negative PR had it been stolen!

What are your future plans?

I am looking forward to a different set of challenges as Director of Finance and Planning at the University of London. On a personal note, my two elder boys are doing their A-levels and GCSEs at the moment and so it feels like a job in itself helping them achieve their maximum potential.