Imperial News

College puts on open day for prospective students

by Andrew Czyzewski

The Postgraduate Open Day on 5 December featured talks and tours at South Kensington and a morning session for Medicine at Hammersmith

The College put on one of its most comprehensive Postgraduate Open Days to date on 5 December, with talks and tours at South Kensington from 12.30 until 18.00 as well as a morning session for Medicine at Hammersmith.

The Great Hall installed around 26 dedicated booths for course information from the various departments and divisions, while the Queen’s Tower Rooms had staff on hand from Sport Imperial, the Disability Advisory Service, the Student Hub and Accommodation Centre and more.

For the first time the Open Day featured general talks with topics including ‘Imperial College Union – Life as a student’ and ‘Career planning for Masters’ students: Making the most of your time at Imperial’. There were also around 14 Rector’s Ambassadors on hand to chat to prospective students and lead campus tours.

The Hammersmith Campus held sessions on postgraduate study in Medicine in the morning and buses escorted around 45 students back to South Kensington for the rest of the day’s activities.

We caught up with some prospective students at the Queen’s Tower Rooms and asked them why they were interested in studying at Imperial and what they were hoping to find out at the Open Day.

LeonLeon from London said: “It’s essentially a university of prestige and nostalgia, and also based on what I’ve read you’ve got a very good chance of getting a job after graduating. Myself, specifically I’m looking at a course in Immunology. I work as a research lab technician at St George’s Hospital, and I want to boost my career prospects now as I already have a BSc in biomedical sciences.”


Meanwhile Christian from Germany said: “I want to do a Masters’ in Physics Christianand perhaps go into the field of controlled quantum dynamics which they offer at Imperial, and as far as I’m aware that is not something available in Germany. I’m also having a look at some other subjects as well, plus I can see the city while I’m here.”