Imperial News

Mr Pawlak invited to speak at EUROSTAT's Conference

by Aravinth Thiyagarajah

Mr Jacek Pawlak has been invited to speak at the EUROSTAT's New Techniques and Technologies for Statistics Conference 2013 in Brussels in March 2013.

Mr Jacek Pawlak has been invited to speak at the EUROSTAT's New Techniques and Technologies for Statistics Conference 2013 in Brussels in March 2013. Mr Pawlak will be presenting his work undertaken together with his supervisors Prof. John Polak and Dr. Aruna Sivakumar, and dealing with the idea of data pooling (fusion, grafting) using k-Nearest Neighbour (k-NN) algorithm applied to the multiple imputation framework. The present methodological contribution stems from the cross-national (Canada, US, UK, and Norway) study of the interaction of digital lifestyle and physical mobility presented during the International Association for Travel Behaviour Research Conference in Toronto in July 2012.

The work has been undertaken in the context of modelling the relationships between information and communication technologies (ICT) and travel behaviour which is the core topic of Mr Pawlak's doctoral research. While the aforementioned method has been applied in other areas of travel demand research, in particular traffic engineering, it remains a novel approach in the current context. Further research is undertaken on investigating the properties and applicability of the method which could offer a cost-effective alternative to collecting new data, as well as stimulate new empirical studies using the existing, including historical, data.

More details and the paper can be found on the NTTS Conference Website: