One Billion Hungry: Can We Feed the World? presented in Rome


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Gordon Conway presents his book to the Food & Agriculture Organisation, International Fund for Agricultural Development & the World Food Programme.

Can We Feed the World? 

On 27th and 28th February, Gordon Conway led and participated in a series of high-profile discussions on the critical issues raised in his book, One Billion Hungry: Can we feed the world? at the three Rome-based UN agencies.

The UN agencies – the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), the World Food Programme(WFP) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) – are critical to global thinking around agricultural development and as such their strategies have a far reaching impact on how we tackle global food security.

IFAD panel

FAO Seminar 

FAO panelOn 27th February, the three agency principals, José Graziano da Silva (FAO), Ertharin Cousins (WFP) and Kanayo Nwanze (IFAD) commented on Gordon’s vision of achieving food security, and invited comments and questions from permanent representatives and staff at FAO. Gordon also led a separate discussion around the themes of the book with the young professionals’ network, YouFID.

IFAD Seminar 

Book signingOn 28th February, Gordon addressed IFAD on the topic of climate changeand agriculture.  Read IFAD Associate Vice-President Programmes, Kevin Cleaver’s review of One Billion Hungry here.

World Food Programme Event 

GordonGordon also took part in a WFP seminar and discussed the issues of availability of and access to food.  WFP is known as the food aid arm of the United Nations and it is the world’s largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger. 

Media coverage 


Jo Seed

Jo Seed
Institute of Global Health Innovation

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