Students with Imagination


Students using graphics processing unit

Students using graphics processing units (GPU) and display technology donated by Imagination Technology

New sponsorship for our 3rd and 4th year undergradute laboratory will provide leading-edge technology for student projects for the next five years.

Our department places a high emphasis on hands-on project work, and equipping students with the skills to design engineering solutions with real-life applications. Imagination Technologies will be supporting the laboratory, where many of our successful student-led projects have started life. We welcome the partnership with Imagination and look forward to seeing many more exciting new student projects developed here.

Speaking at the opening of the laboratory partnership in February, Tony King-Smith, VP of Marketing at Imagination recognised the importance of helping our young engineers' invention and creativity. “Imagination is about innovation, and we wish to support and foster this in Imperial as a partner university. Labs are where innovation happens – and by sponsoring this lab we can continue to put the UK on the map for innovation in industry and academia.”

Imagination Technologies is an employer of choice for our students, offering graduate positions and internships. The company also regularly provide projects for students and has delivered graphics-related content for Electrical Engineering student societies.

Read more about some of our student-led project 'spin outs' and societies:
IC Robotics Society
Aurora Project

To find out more about getting involved with our department, please contact our Industrial Liaison Officer, Clare Drysdale 020 759 46185


Jane Horrell

Jane Horrell
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

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Contact details

Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 6263

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