Celebrating women in science - Suffrage Science 2013


Professor Amanda Fisher hosted this prestigious event celebrating women in science.

Professor Amanda Fisher hosted this prestigious event celebrating women in science.

Professor Amanda Fisher, Head of the Institute of Clinical Sciences, hosted this prestigious event celebrating women in science.

Suffrage ScienceThe Suffrage Science event, held on International Women's Day (8 March), celebrated the achievements of leading female scientists, in what is now an annual event following its successful launch in 2011.

Suffrage Science: 2013 honoured 12 leading female scientists, 2 from Imperial College London, in the fields of engineering and the physical sciences, as applied to medicine.

Vivienne Parry also hosted a debate to discuss whether Nobel prize-winning physicist Marie Curie would have made it as a woman in science today.


Mr James Moore

Mr James Moore
Faculty of Medicine Centre

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