Imperial News

IStructE Young Researchers competition

by Angela Frederick

Carolos Vidalis, recently won first prize in the oral papers section ( the top category ) at the IStructE Young Researchers competition

Carolos Antonios Vidalis, a PhD student in Structures, has been awarded the 1st prize in the IStructE 2013 Young Researchers Conference.

Mr. Vidalis works with Prof. Nethercot on progressive collapse of steel and composite framed structures as part of a long-term research effort at Imperial College London. His project, “Designing Resistance against Progressive Collapse into Framed Structures” focuses on how best to use existing results in order to form the basis for design recommendations.

The YRC is an annual event which provides a platform for research students to present their work and exchange ideas with their peers, industry leaders and selected members of the Institution. It is attended by the next generation of structural engineers who are enthusiastic about structural engineering and ready to make their mark.