SCI Director attending 66th World Health Assembly in Geneva 20-28 May 2013


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The focus of the Assembly for SCI and the NTD community is The World Health Assembly's (WHA) Executive Board resolution on NTDs. Will it be passed?

World Health AssemblyAlan Fenwick will be attending part of the 66th World Health Assembly during the week commencing 20th May.

He will attend the Merck KGaA panel discussion with the speakers Dr Karl-Ludwig Kley, (Chairman of the Executive Board of Merck), Dr Nakatani (Assistant DG at WHO) and HE Dr Muhammad Ali Pate, (the Minister of State in the Ministry of Health from Nigeria). He will attend the session on Guinea Worm eradication to hear whether the target for eradication is still 2015. Finally he will follow the progress through the WHA of the Executive Board resolution on NTDs which urges Member States to ensure country ownership of prevention, control, elimination and eradication programmes; expansion and implementation of interventions and advocate for predictable, long-term international financing to finance activities related to control, capacity strengthening and achieve the roadmap targets.

While in Geneva Alan will make contact with as any of the Ministers of Health as time allows from the countries in Africa in which SCI is supporting the NTD control programmes.

For more information about the 66th World Health Assembly click here.


Mrs Alexandra Grainger

Mrs Alexandra Grainger
School of Public Health

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