Congratulations Professor Lesley Cohen


Professor Lesley Cohen

Recognised and awarded at the Postgraduate Degree Ceremony

Professor Lesley Cohen was awarded the Julia Higgins Medal which recognises “a significant contribution to the support of academic women at Imperial” at the PG Ceremony in early May.

The citation refers to her fundamental role in the establishment of the college’s Academic Opportunities Committee and her huge commitment to improving the work environment for all staff in terms of equality of treatment and opportunities.

In the Physics Department Lesley was responsible for setting up the Juno Committee and was the key factor in our being the first department in the country to be awarded both Juno Champion status and Athena Silver Swan Award.  All this while heading the EXSS group, being Director of PG Studies and also running a successful research activity.

Congratulations Lesley.


Caroline Jackson

Caroline Jackson
Department of Physics

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