UPDATE on collaboration in Ethiopia


photo from the launch event coutesy of the Partnership for Child Development (PCD)

Dubai Cares' 'Home Grown School Feeding (HGSF) Pilot Programme' has launched in Ethiopia. The pilot is a partnership of 5 organisations including SCI.

Philanthropic Organisation, Dubai Cares recently announced the launch of its three-year integrated Home Grown School Feeding (HGSF) pilot programme in Ethiopia, which is being implemented in 30 schools over three years to address the school health and nutrition (SHN) needs of approximately 30,700 primary school age children.

An Integrated Programme
The pilot is being carried out through a partnership formed by Partnership for Child Development (PCD) at Imperial College London, Ethiopia Health and Nutrition Research Institute, World Food Programme, Schistosomiasis Control Initiative at Imperial College London and SNV-Netherlands. Through this collaboration various aspects are contributed to the programme in schools in addition to in-school meals prepared from locally sourced commodities, deworming treatment, and Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH).
Iain Gardiner, East Africa Regional Coordinator for PCD, said, "The Dubai Cares funded HGSF programme is a leading example of how different stakeholders can effectively pool their expertise to make a real impact on the health, education and wealth of children and farming communities in Ethiopia."
To read more click here.


Mrs Alexandra Grainger

Mrs Alexandra Grainger
School of Public Health

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Email: press.office@imperial.ac.uk
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