Potential medical students take 'Hi Tea'


Potential students meet LKCMedicine academics

Some of Singapore's top school students recently took 'Hi Tea' with academics from the country's newest medical school.

The prospective students were eager to hear more about the innovative new medicine (MBBS) course, awarded jointly by Imperial College London and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU), at the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine (LKCMedicine).

On 11 and 25 May, students who had met the rigorous entry requirements for the Imperial-NTU programme, as well as interested parents, got the chance to say “hi” over tea while quizzing the school’s academics.

LKCMedicine’s Dean Professor Dermot Kelleher, Senior Vice-Dean Professor Jenny Higham, NTU President Professor Bertil Andersson, National Healthcare Group CEO Professor Chee Yam Cheng and Vice Dean (Education) Dr Naomi Low-Beer, delivered presentations before discussing the new medical programme with students and their parents at Marina Bay Sands, Singapore.

Professor Kelleher congratulated the students on their progress so far in their application to LKCMedicine amid stiff competition, and conveyed the sense of excitement among the staff and faculty as they look forward to welcoming and working with the first intake in August.Students discuss LKCMedicine with Professor Jenny Higham

Professor Naomi Low-Beer, LKCMedicine’s Vice-Dean for Education, outlined the vision for the school’s groundbreaking curriculum, elements of which have already been successfully trialled on London-based Imperial medical students. 

The curriculum will be delivered primarily via Team-based Learning (TBL), which emphasises the value of working with peers, as well as faculty, and the application of scientific concepts to clinical contexts. From the outset, in addition to learning basic science in the classroom and laboratory, students will gain experience of working in hospitals, polyclinics and other healthcare settings. Students will also take part in advanced clinical simulations using actors and benefit from using the very latest technology, including Asia’s first Anatomage virtual dissection table offering unprecedented 3D imitations of the human body.

Dr Georgina Morris, Curriculum Development Lead  in the London Office of LKCMedicine, who attended the Hi Tea, said:

“The atmosphere at the Hi Tea was really positive with a palpable sense of excitement. This is a great twist on the traditional open day, allowing us to have a genuine conversation with our prospective students. 

“LKCMedicine’s faculty enjoyed addressing robust questions from students and parents, while demonstrating the wealth of experience and expertise that will be available to LKCMedicine’s pioneering first students.

“The LKCMedicine facilities really are state-of-the-art, and the academic opportunities available are second-to-none. 

“The staff from Imperial, NTU and elsewhere are highly experienced. The first students will be pioneers, undertaking an innovative curriculum, but they are in safe hands.

“Within days of each event, acceptances from offer-holding students rose. The demand and competition for places has exceeded our expectations and we have now filled every place for 2013 entry.”

For further information on LKCMedicine, go to http://www.lkcmedicine.ntu.edu.sg.


Andrew Scheuber

Andrew Scheuber
Communications Division

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