IOP awards


The Institute of Physics has recognised 5 members of the Physics department

Congrautlations to the following staff who have been recognised in the Institute of Physics awards

Isaac Newton Medal of the Institute of Physics

Sir John Pendry

Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College London
For his seminal contributions to surface science, disordered systems and photonics.

Faraday Medal and prize

Professor E A Hinds

Centre for Cold Matter, Imperial College London
For his innovative and seminal experimental investigations into ultra-cold atoms and molecules.

Glazebrook Medal and prize

Professor Lyndon Rees Evans

CERN, Geneva and Imperial College London
For his outstanding leadership of the Large Hadron Collider Project.

Joule Medal and prize

Professor Paul French

Imperial College London
For his contributions to the development of Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging (FLIM) and its wide deployment from underpinning laboratory research to clinical application

Honorary fellow

Professor Thomas W B Kibble

Imperial College London
For his outstanding contributions to theoretical physics ranging from the theory of elementary particles to modern early-universe cosmology.


Caroline Jackson

Caroline Jackson
Department of Physics

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