Imperial singers warm up for University Gospel Choir of the Year finals

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Imperial's Gospel Choir

The Union has been filled with the sound of music, thanks to the Gospel Choir preparing for Saturday's University Gospel Choir of the Year finals.

Choirs from eight universities including Queen Mary University, the University of Surrey and Canterbury Christchurch University, will compete in the Competition’s finals at the London Hippodrome from 19.00. Each choir will perform either a medley or two songs in a bid to take the title.

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Backed by the Mayor of London, the competition provides a platform for university gospel choirs across the UK to develop and showcase their musical abilities.

It is the third time that Imperial’s Gospel Choir has been shortlisted for the awards. Formed seven years ago, the group is made up of 39 students who meet every Monday during term-time to practise.

Fourth year student Daniella Osaghae (Medicine) said: “We’re very excited about Saturday, we’ve been in the finals for the past two years, so we’re hoping that this will be our year.”

The Choir regularly perform at events in College and around London and even took to the stage in front of 10,000 people at the X Factor Final in 2011.

Third year student Mandy Dhingra (Medicine) said: “Although we’ve performed on stage before I think some of us will still have some nerves on the night. But we have so much fun and being on stage really brings us together. In fact we pride ourselves on being a family.”

Tickets are available for the event. For more information visit the UGCY website

To find out more about Imperial College Gospel Choir, please visit their website.


Lucy Handford

Lucy Handford
Communications and Public Affairs

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Martin Sayers

Martin Sayers
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