Imperial News

ISP takes part in INSIGHTS Work Experience Scheme

by Dr William G Proud

ISP Staff and students were interviewed by A-level students as part of the Physics Department Insights programme.

The scheme aims to provide a number of Physics A-level students from year 12 with a taster of what being at Imperial College would be like and to understand the context of some of the exciting research going on in the Physics Department. Two of these students interviewed a number of staff and students from the ISP. The students were given the task of finding out about how our institute operated and what work was carried out. They had prepared a number of challenging interview questions prior to their arrival and delivered them with confidence. Following the interviews, the students had to devise a conference poster about the Institute of Shock Physics which portrayed the information gathered from their interviews (shown in the image). The students presented the poster and delivered an engaging presentation at a showcase event at the end of the week.


Hannah Wood, Ogden Outreach Coordinator: “Thank you so much for giving up your time today to be interviewed by Emma and Adonay. They had a fantastic time interviewing you and have been telling their fellow work experience students all about it over lunch!”


Dr Chris Thompson, Programme Director, ISP: “I was particularly impressed with the enthusiasm with which the students tackled the task and the confidence with which they made their presentations”