SCI's Principal Investigator awarded the RSTMH Chalmers Medal


The Royal Society for Tropical Medicine and Hygiene's Chalmers Memorial Medal, which is silver gilt, bears a likeness to Dr Albert John Chalmers over the motto Zonae torridae tutamen on the obverse

The Royal Society for Tropical Medicine and Hygiene has honoured Professor Joanne Webster, SCI's Principal Investigator.

The Royal Society for Tropical Medicine and Hygiene has honoured Professor Joanne Webster, SCI’s Principal Investigator.  Professor Webster has been awarded the Chalmers Memorial Medal 2013.  The Chalmers Medal was first awarded in 1922.   Dr Albert John Chalmers MD, FRCS, DPH was an investigator who took great interest in the work of younger researchers.  With this in mind, the Chalmers Medal is awarded annually and only to researchers aged 46 or under.

The award ceremony will take place at The Royal Socitety for Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, in Oxford, on Thursday 19 September 2013.

For a list of past medal holders click here -


Mrs Alexandra Grainger

Mrs Alexandra Grainger
School of Public Health

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