Careers Service opening hours for summer 2013


Imperial concrete lions

The Careers Service stays open during the summer months

One-to-one consultations and access to careers information still available during July and August

Please note that the Careers Service is closed from 15:30 on Monday 9 September, for a staff event. There will be no access to the Careers Service or one-to-one appointments available on this day. The service will then reopen as normal on Tuesday 10 September at 10:00.

The Careers Service will remain open 10:00-17:15 Monday to Friday throughout the summer period. No skills workshops will be run during this time but one-to-one appointments with a Careers Consultant will still be available.

If you have recently finished your course at Imperial, you will still be able to use the Careers Service but will need to register as a graduate first as your student access will have expired.

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Robin Stone

Robin Stone
Careers Service

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