Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine offers new placements to Imperial students


Overseas medical elective at LKCMedicine

Seventeen year six MBBS students from Imperial became the first to take part in a new overseas medical elective in Singapore this summer.

The elective was offered by the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine (LKCMedicine), Singapore’s newest medical school, established by Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and Imperial in October 2010.

In advance of the first LKCMedicine students starting their training on 5 August, Imperial medics undertook a three or six week placement. Supported by the school, the students gained an insight into the Singapore healthcare system.

LKCMedicine elective

A week of briefing sessions took place at the new school


MBBS student, Anil Sunny Chopra said: “I had always wanted to go to Singapore because of what I had heard about the weather, culture and food, so when this presented itself as a pre-organised elective, it was a no brainer! After a one-week induction to Singapore’s healthcare system with visits to hospitals, clinics and rehab centres, I spent the next three weeks in Tan Tock Seng Hospital's Emergency Department. I found it interesting how much more streamlined their admissions became as a result of their fully electronic medical record system – we could learn a few things from them.”

"The team at LKCMedicine created an exceptional elective programme and the students came back with many positive stories to tell about their time in Singapore."

– Dr Mike Barrett

As part of the LKCMedicine elective, organised as a pilot, a week of briefing sessions took place at the new school and they also learnt about some of the research currently taking place at NTU. Student accommodation for the week was organised by LKCMedicine.

The LKCMedicine team also found the pilot a success. Associate Professor, Tham Kum Ying said: “The Imperial elective placements went well. The students were friendly and got along well with the other trainee doctors. Our clinicians gave good feedback and I was personally impressed by their bedside manners and good interpersonal skills. I believe some of them spent some time hanging out and had fun together.”

LKCMedicine elective

Students on a visit at one of Singapore's hospitals


Dr Mike Barrett, Electives Director at Imperial said: “The team at LKCMedicine created an exceptional elective programme and the students came back with many positive stories to tell about their time in Singapore”

Following the successful pilot the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine elective will now be offered to eligible Imperial students every year. 


Lucy Handford

Lucy Handford
Communications and Public Affairs

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Education, Lee-Kong-Chian-School-of-Medicine, Public-health, Students
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