Congratulations to John Lingi & James McCormac


Congratulations to John Lingi & James McCormac who have been awarded Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation Scholarships

Congratulations to John Lingi (Physics BSc graduate 2012, currently on Physics MSc course) and James McCormac (Theoretical Physics MSci graduate 2013) have both been awarded scholarships by the Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation. Only six such awards were made across the UK this year.


They will spend 19 months in Japan including a 12-month intensive Japanese language course, a one-month “Homestay” with a Japanese family and a 6-month work placement. The Daiwa Scholarships “offer young and talented UK citizens with strong leadership potential, the opportunity to acquire Japanese language skills, and to access expertise and knowledge relevant to their career goals.”


Congratulations to John and James – and have a great trip!


Caroline Jackson

Caroline Jackson
Department of Physics

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