The student experience: an alumni view


Scott Heath

Scott Heath during his time in office

Scott Heath (Chemistry and Management, 2011), former President of Imperial College Union, reflects on the 2013 NSS results

"Improving the student experience was a central focus of my year as ICU President in 2011-12, and I am very pleased to see the increase in student satisfaction. I am also delighted to see that Imperial students are continuing their tradition of high participation – 81% is an exceptional completion rate.

This result is not just a sign of the good work of the academic staff to deliver enhancements, but recognition of the hard work of all members of the Imperial community. After all, the student experience begins with a prospective student thumbing the pages of a glossy prospectus and continues through to alumni, like myself, glancing through the pages of an occasional Felix. 

I believe Imperial offers students a uniquely intense and rewarding experience. It’s great to see this reflected in the NSS results. I personally left Imperial with some of the best friends I could ask for and some amazing memories.  I look forward to seeing the student experience climb to new heights in the years ahead!"


Jessica Adams

Jessica Adams

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