Summer Group Members


SK summer

We thank all the summer group visitor for their work and for being active members is the group

The group has been very lucky to host a number of very motivated visiting students over the past few months.

In strict order of appereance:

- Jordi Markalain Barta, Erasmus student from Universidad de Valencia (Spain)

- Eric Tan, visiting student from Ecole Nationale Superieure de Chimie de Rennes (France)

- Bastian Jamilloux, visiting student from IUT d'Orsay (France)

- Jailei Qian, UROP student from Imperial.


Thank you all!


Dr Silvia Diez-Gonzalez

Dr Silvia Diez-Gonzalez
Department of Chemistry

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Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 9699

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