Promotions in the Department


Congratulations to those promoted 2013

We are delighted to announce the following promotions from 1 August 2013

2013 promotions

NamePromoted to
 Professor Carlo Contaldi  Professor Carlo Contaldi Professor 
 Professor Arttu Rajantie  Professor Arttu Rajantie  Professor
 Dr Henrique Araujo  Dr Henrique Araujo  Reader
 Dr David Colling  Dr David Colling  Reader
 Dr Paul Stavrinou  Dr Paul Stavrinou  Reader
 Dr Toby Wiseman  Dr Toby Wiseman  Reader
 Dr David Clements  Dr David Clements  Senior Lecturer
 Dr Chris Dunsby  Dr Chris Dunsby  Senior Lecturer
 Dr Subhanjoy Mohanty  Dr Subhanjoy Mohanty  Senior Lecturer
 Dr Karl Sandeman  Dr Karl Sandeman  Senior Lecturer



Congratulations to all.


Caroline Jackson

Caroline Jackson
Department of Physics

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