Chance to join National Geographic Expedition through Shell Ideas360


Group huddle

Compete in Shell Eco-Marathon to develop ideas for tackling global issues for chance to win

Shell Ideas360 is a global competition organised by Shell International for students – from any discipline – to develop game-changing ideas for tackling Energy, Water and Food issues.

Whether students decide to work in teams or on their own, it’s a chance for them to join an international community of like-minded individuals, to have direct access to Shell Subject Matter Experts and Mentors, and to learn skills that will be invaluable in their studies as well as their future careers.

5 teams or individuals will be invited to Shell Eco-Marathon in Rotterdam, in the Netherlands, in May 2014 where they will meet and present their ideas to a Panel of Judges.

The winners will receive a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to join a National Geographic Expedition.

The best ideas will be considered for funding by Shell’s GameChanger Programme – whether or not they are selected to participate in the Final Event.

More information is available on the Shell ideas360 website

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Robin Stone

Robin Stone
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