Imperial News

Agriculture for Impact side event at UN FAO Committee on World Food Security

by Dr. Katrin Glatzel

The 2013 plenary sessions focused primarily on three themes: investing in smallholders, biofuels and responsible agricultural investment.

From 8-11 October 2013, the Agriculture for Impact team was on-site attending the UN FAO’s Committee on World Food Security.  It is a global policy forum where UN Member States gather to take decisions, debate, and coordinate on food security and nutrition issues.

The 2013 plenary sessions focused primarily on three themes (1) investing in smallholders (2) biofuels and (3) responsible agricultural investment.  The first and second themes were concluded while the third will be completed at the next CFS session.

Agriculture for Impact, on behalf of the Montpellier Panel, hosted an official side event on Thursday 10 October entitled “Sustainable Intensification: From Paradigm to Practical Action”. The panelists were:

  • Sir Gordon Conway, Director, Agriculture for Impact
  • Kevin Cleaver, Associate Vice-President, International Fund for Agricultural Development
  • Daniel Gad, Board Member, Ethiopian Horticultural Cooperatives; Owner and Managing Director, Omega Farms
  • James Kinyangi, Regional Program Leader for East Africa, CGIAR Research Programme on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS)
  • Michael Hoevel (chairperson)