Imperial IT & Technology Careers Fair to take place on Thursday 14 November


Robot handshake

Opportunity to meet recruiters from a range of disciplines interested in recruiting Imperial students and alumni

This year’s Imperial IT & Technology Careers Fair will be taking place on Thursday 14 October starting at 17:00 and running until 19:30. This annual event provides Imperial students with the opportunity to learn more about internship and permanent graduate opportunities from a wide range of employers.  All year groups from are encouraged to attend the Fair from first years to finalists. The event brings together leading recruiters all under one roof. 

The event is open to Imperial students and Alumni only. Pre-Registration is not required but it is essential you bring your Imperial ID card with you as you will not be admitted without it!

The event will be held in the Queen’s Tower Rooms on Level 1 of the Sherfield Building. More information on recruiters currently confirmed to attend can be found on the IT & Technology Careers Fair 2013 webpage.

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Robin Stone

Robin Stone
Careers Service

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