Imperial launches its strategy for enhancing education and student experience



Imperial has today launched its Education and Student Strategy and Action Plan for the next three to five years.

The Strategy sets out the College’s ambitions for enhancing the education and student experience, together with a series of 24 action points to support realising those ambitions

The action points are broken down into strategic objectives. These focus on Imperial achieving international recognition across four areas:

  • as a global community of the most talented students
  • for its commitment to innovation in teaching and learning and in the wider student experience
  • for its distinctive education
  • for its outstanding academic and professional service infrastructure.

It follows a period of consultation that began in January, which sought input from staff, students, alumni and external partners such as schools and employers. The input was used to shape a green paper, which was then circulated for further feedback before the development of the final version of the Strategy.

"Wide-ranging participation will be essential as we take student experience from good, to great, to stellar"

– Debra Humphris

Vice-Provost (Education)

The lead on developing and implement the strategy, Vice-Provost (Education) Professor Debra Humphris, said: “This strategy comes after a huge amount of input from staff, students and alumni institution wide, as well as critical friends from outside, such as employers and schools. It has been challenging, far sighted, pragmatic and most importantly student centric at every step. For this I want to say thank you to everyone who got involved.”

Following its launch Professor Humphris wants to ensure that the College community continues to engage as widely as possible:

“The strategy needs to be a living document. It’s not been designed to sit on a shelf somewhere, it’s intended as a positive plan for change, involving everyone. If any area within the Strategy and Plan catches your imagination and you could channel even ten minutes’ worth of energy into helping achieve one of the goals, please get in touch.

"Every staff member makes a difference to the experience a student has here and that’s why wide-ranging participation will be essential as we take student experience from good, to great, to stellar.”

Each action point in the plan has its own page on the Education and Student Strategy website. The pages list who is responsible for the action point, terms of reference, timetables and progress updates.

Visit the Education and Student Strategy website


John-Paul Jones

John-Paul Jones
Communications and Public Affairs

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