Imperial News

Winter Music in Physics a great success

by Caroline Jackson, Meilin Sancho

Music by Physics for Physics enjoyed by all

Our Winter Music in Physics, 26 November 2013, was yet another tour de force from our resident performers and exceptional guest artiste from mathematics. The evening began with a soothing rendition of ‘Berkeley Square’ from Jaesuk Hwang on the piano followed by Andrew Knight’s expertly sung and mimed French songs which took us to an earthy part of that country. Our guest produced the most incredible sounds and music from her recorder which had us all enthralled.

After a short interval of refreshments and mingling, the second half began with Andrew who once again entertained us with rousing sea songs which at one point, almost tempted one to rise up and salute! Congratulations go to Ed Hinds who took centre stage with a Chopin Nocturne, a choice which perfectly matched the evening. This was Ed’s first public performance and he rose to the occasion with a dynamic and fine interpretation.  John Selby from the DTC dazzled with his South American guitar pieces which included Villa Lobos and a tango which were beautifully performed.  Ciara Mulholland treated us to two songs which were accompanied by Danny Segal on the guitar.  They were well matched with Ciara’s warm and caressing voice and Danny’s refrain pitching in  with ‘Femme Fatale’. The finale was quite a  finale with Danny, Jaesuk and Ben Sauer filling the room with ‘Autumn Leaves’ sung in English and French and ending with Bessie Smith’s ‘Ain’t nobody’s business ‘.  It certainly was our business to thoroughly enjoy their performance and applaud their cool brilliance.

Thanks to all of our musicians who have given their time, dedication and talent to add joy and solace to the department and to the administration for facilitating such an occasion.


Some videos from the night: