Imperial News

Podcast: climbing adventures and souped-up solar cells

by Sam Wong

Scientists report that pop music can improve the efficiency of solar cells and students tell tales of scaling huge rock faces in California.

The podcast is presented by Gareth Mitchell, a lecturer on Imperial's Science Communication MSc course and the presenter of Click Radio on the BBC World Service, with contributors from the Communications and Public Affairs Division.


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Or listen to individual chapters

News: HIV and Mars – Scientists in the Department of Medicine prepare to test a possible HIV cure and the latest reports from the Curiosity rover suggest Mars once had lakes that could have sustained life.

High adventure – We speak to four students who took part in a climbing expedition in Yosemite National Park, California with support from the College Exploration Board.

Good vibrations – Dr Safa Shoaee on her recent finding that solar cells are more efficient when music is played, and prefer Adele to Beethoven.

Braced for impactDr Matthew Genge explains how astronomers monitor the sky for objects like the Chelyabinsk meteor that could collide with Earth.

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