Salters' Graduate Prize for Chemical Engineer


Imae: Christian Amberg with his Salters' Award

Christian Amberg with his Salters' Award

Third Imperial Chemical Engineer in successive years wins Salters' Institute Graduate Prize.

Imperial alumnus Christian Amberg has become one of only five Chemical Engineering graduates in the UK to be awarded a 2013 Graduate Prize by the Salters' Institute, and in doing so becomes the third successive winner from Imperial’s Department of Chemical Engineering.

Christian was presented with his award at a reception held at Salters' Hall in London at the end of November, and he can now add the Salters' Prize to the two Departmental prizes he won at Commemoration Day earlier this year.  The Salters’ Prizes are awarded annually in recognition of academic achievement as well as potential ability to make a significant contribution to the development of the UK chemical industry.

“I am really happy to have been able to represent Imperial by receiving the Salters’ Graduate Prize”, said Christian.  “The Salters’ Institute has an impressively long history in the chemical industry and plays an important role in attracting and developing young talent in the STEM fields, which I think is key to keeping the UK as a technology leader in today’s increasingly competitive global marketplace.”

Founded  in 1918 by the The Salters' Company, the Salters' Institute of Industrial Chemistry plays a major role in the support of chemistry teaching, the encouragement of young people to pursue careers in the UK chemical industries and the promotion of chemical education including the whole area of curriculum development.


Rayner Simpson

Rayner Simpson
Department of Chemical Engineering

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