Imperial News

Mini Profile: Leyla Okhai, Equality and Diversity Manager

by Andrew Czyzewski

Leyla Okhai joined Imperial 18 months ago as the first College-wide staff disability advisor, and has driven a range of new initiatives.

What are the main ways we strive for access and equality at the College?

The College sets equality objectives to ensure we maintain our position as a diverse and forward-thinking institution. Overseeing that is the Equality and Diversity Committee, chaired by Professor Debra Humphris, Vice-Provost (Education). There are also three staff networks which are a great way of building communities, namely Imperial As One, Imperial 600 and the recently established Able@Imperial. Able is a forum for both disabled staff and staff who care for disabled dependents, as well as any other interested parties. It’s now looking at ways to encourage staff to disclose a disability and reassure them that support is available if they do.

This is the second year you’ve organised events at College for Disability History Month. How has that been received?

It’s been great. My team and Able@Imperial have really helped get the word out there and as a result we had more people interested and attending events. I try to do a mix of events including training sessions, a talk and a social event so that there is something for everyone.

Stress and mental health problems are major causes of workplace disability. Do you think that’s being better acknowledged now?

Definitely! Occupational Health and the Learning & Development Centre have put together fantastic resources on stress awareness. In addition the mental health first aid training that I run has proved successful. We now have over twenty mental health first aiders throughout the College, who can spot the signs of mental ill-health and signpost staff and students to the right support channels.

What do you do yourself to unwind and relieve stress?

I love going for long walks where I live in Oxfordshire. I also do traditional Egyptian dance and bake cakes for the office!