Australian alumni warm up for Christmas


Members of the Imperial College Alumni Association of Western Australia

Sunshine and great conversation characterised a recent Australian alumni Christmas celebration.

Dr Ian Merker (BEng Electrical and Electronic Engineering 1967, PhD 1968), President of the Imperial College Alumni Association of Western Australia, provided this report on their get-together in mid-December.

"With wonderful weather conditions (a brilliant summer’s day with a perfect afternoon temperature around 25 degrees Celsius), thirty seven Imperial College London alumni, their partners and two children from Western Australia enjoyed the hospitality of Charles Butt (PhD Earth Sciences and Engineering 1970) and his wife Fay Butt in the garden of their home in Floreat.  As always, the food, wines, company and conversation flowed over the entire afternoon for our annual Christmas gathering.

Following my visit to the new Alumni Visitor Centre in October, I was able to update our group with recent developments at the College and particularly the facilities now available for alumni who venture back to the South Kensington area.

The Western Australian Alumni group has been active for around forty years, so our committee is now actively planning more social events for the forthcoming year and with our dynamic young new members, look forward to many more enjoyable alumni activities for our next four decades.

We are all enthusiastically supporting and promoting Imperial College London in Western Australia … and very much welcome visiting alumni who venture down to Perth."

See a slideshow of images from the event



Jessica Adams

Jessica Adams

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