Imperial News

Advances in Concentrator Photovoltaics meeting held at Imperial College

by Dr N.J. (Ned) Ekins-Daukes, Tomos Thomas

Imperial QPV group host UK workshop on Advances in Concentrator Photovoltaics.

On 5th February, Imperial College hosted the SuperSolar Hub's Advances in Concentrator Photovoltaics day, featuring a full-day programme of talks on all aspects of CPV.

Talks included:

Dr Ned Ekins-Daukes, Imperial College London, "Roadmap to 50% efficient CPV cells: opportunities and constraints".

Dr Geoff Duggan, FullSun Photovoltaics, "Evolution of HCPV module design".

Dr Luke Robinson, SunFish Solar, "Drying Sewage, Greening the Desert and Cooling Malls with Multijunction Solar Cells".

Dr Gerald Siefer, Fraunhofer ISE, "Challenges for the measurements of CPV cells and modules".

Dr Andy Johnson, IQE plc, "Volume manufacture of multi-junction solar cells: achieving the desired cost point for current and future generation cells".

Posters were presented by Markus Führer, Kan-Hua Lee and Tomos Thomas from the QPV group.