Imperial News

Join us, Live Below The Line and help those living in extreme poverty

by Mrs Alexandra Grainger

British households throw away around £56 of food per month. That translates to 112 treatments for schisto and STH! Horrified? Take part in LBL 2014

Recent research on behalf of fundraising initiative Live Below The Line ( has found that some British households are throwing away over £670 worth of food every year. This is equivalent to throwing away over £1.80 per day and nearly £56 a month. The same amount could be spent on a family holiday for four to Spain for an entire week!

The amount of food thrown away each year highlights how wasteful people can be with their food shopping when there are 1.2 billion people around the world living in extreme poverty (people surviving on £1 or less per day, as defined by The World Bank).

To put this into perspective, £670 could feed 22 children every day for an entire school year in the developing world based upon averages calculated by the World Food Programme. Around £30 would cover this cost for each child, which is equivalent to what Britons are wasting in just over two weeks.

Live Below The Line challenges us to live on £1 a day for 5 days to highlight the daily challenges faced by 1.2 billion people living in extreme poverty, the very people SCI is working very hard to reach and treat the poverty sustaining parasitic infections they harbour.

The Live Below The Line challenge takes place between 28 April – 2 May 2014. Thousands will take part, living on just  £5 for 5 days for food and drink.  Sign up and raise awareness of the effect NTDs have on maintaining communities in extreme poverty, and raise money for SCI to treat them and give them a chance to rise above the poverty line -

Download an offline sponsorship form as well as guide to help you get organised for the challenge.