Congratulations Lyn Evans


Congratulations to Lyn Evans, Visiting Professor in High Energy Physics

Lyn Evans is the first winner of the prestigious St David Award for Innovation and Technology.

Initiated by the First Minister of the Welsh Assembly, Carwyn Jones, the awards recognise and celebrate the exceptional achievements of people in, and from, Wales.

Evans the Atom

– Welsh Media

Evans the Atom (as he has been dubbed by the Welsh media) was nominated for his role as Project Leader for the LHC.  Speaking about the award Lyn said, 'It was great to be recognised by my fellow countrymen together with the likes of opera sta, Bryn Terfel, Paralympian, Tanni Grey-Thompson and rugby player, Lee Halfpenny (runner-up in the sports category).  I've been out of the country for nearly 45 years, its great that they have not forgotten me'.


Article drafted by Fflur Jones, a work experience student from the toiseieme year at the Lycee College international in Ferney-Voltaire.


Caroline Jackson

Caroline Jackson
Department of Physics

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