Physics' Ladies Lunch a great success


Physics Ladies Lunch

Physics' Ladies Lunch a great success - Annual Event to celebrate International Women's Day

For the second year running, ahead of International Women’s Day, the Physics Department at Imperial College held a successful lunch in celebration of their brilliant female scientists.

Women from all corners of the department attended the event- from Astro to Experimental Solid State to Particle Physics. The lunch provided an open forum for discussion in a relaxed social environment. This alone is of importance for many who may not have a huge amount of ‘girl power’ in their groups.

With a turnout of 60 + women, the lunch highlighted their importance and active role in the Physics Department. The guest list included post graduates and post docs to lab managers, technicians, academics and professors.

Organised from within by two post graduates, Zara and Jess, the event had a personal and inviting feel. Female post graduates and staff were encouraged to attend by means of e-mails and word-of-mouth. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive- with most attendees wanting more regular events.

This was more than just a lunch. New friendships were made and sense of a supportive community is being laid down. It offers a more hospitable work environment for women wanting a career in Physics. Often thought of as a male dominated subject, with events like these, Physics stereotypes are changing. This shifting attitude will make easier for female scientist to achieve their potential – and (as usual) Imperial College is leading the way.




Caroline Jackson

Caroline Jackson
Department of Physics

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