Imperial News

Gold and Bronze for Imperial at TUCO Competitions

by Minmin Chen

Imperial chefs and service staff return triumphant from this year's TUCO Competitions in Blackpool, with Gold and Bronze awards in tow.

On 17 and 18 March, members, suppliers, press, partners and competitors gathered in Blackpool for the 2014 TUCO (The University Caterers Organisation) Competitions. This annual event showcases culinary and service skills and talent from many universities across the UK. 

The College’s competitors this year included three chefs, two serving staff and a barista. They entered:


Sous Chef Andy Crook and his winning canapes

Sous Chef Andy Crook and his winning canapes

Sous Chef Andrew Crook took the Static Salon Canape Challenge very seriously and offered an exquisite six-canapé menu, which sealed a Gold win for the College. His winning menu included:

Meanwhile, the two-day Service Skills Challenge took account of not only the preparation of the food service areas and table settings, but competitors were judged on their level of customer care, product knowledge and technical skills. Imperial’s Gergana Ivanova Doyninska performed superbly to win Bronze for the second year running.

Chefs Steve Robertson and Stevan Bedward along with barista Pariwartan Napal and serving staff member Kristina Mitasiunaite also faced some stiff competition, producing and performing with professionalism and diligence.

Jemma Morris, Head of Catering at Imperial said: “These awards really emphasise the importance of the catering team in our College, not only in the preparation of the food and drink, but importantly in the level of customer care and the knowledge and skills demonstrated in the service, in order to provide a first-class meal experience for every customer.”