Preparations are well underway for the third annual Imperial Festival on 9 and 10 May, for what promises to be another exciting event.
The countdown has begun to this year’s Imperial Festival. Over the coming weeks, you will notice changes being made around South Kensington campus as we prepare to welcome more than 10,000 visitors to this exciting event in four weeks’ time.
The Festival is now in its third year and we anticipate that this year’s event will be the biggest yet as we invite our visitors to explore the unexpected side of science. We are creating additional spaces from previous Festivals, including two extra marquees, so that around 60 of Imperial’s research teams can show off their ground-breaking work.
The event, which is free and open to all, takes place over two days; Friday 9 May from 4pm to 10pm and Saturday 10 May between 12 noon and 6pm. Friday’s programme includes talks and stand-up comedy for adults, while Saturday’s session will have a special focus for families with children as well as alumni as we welcome former students back for their annual reunion.

Visitors will be able to tour facilities including the flight simulator
Visitors will have the chance to put questions to hundreds of our scientists and engineers, take part in hands-on science demonstrations, peek behind the scenes of Imperial’s most exciting labs, and enjoy music, dance and comedy.
Find out more about the Festival on the Imperial website and follow live updates and take part in discussions on Twitter (using the hashtag #impfest) and Facebook.
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Natasha Martineau

Contact details
Email: press.office@imperial.ac.uk
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