Imperial's flagship leadership course champions disabled staff


Calibre cohort with Professer Debra Humphris

The latest cohort completing the College's pioneering development course for disabled staff marked their achievements last week.

The Calibre Leadership Programme, which launched for the first time at Imperial last year, aims to advance the career prospects of disabled staff by equipping them with leadership strategies that reflect the unique challenges that disabled people face in the workplace.

At an event held on Friday 16 May, participants gathered alongside their colleagues and senior College staff to share their experiences of Calibre and receive a certificate to mark their successful completion of the course.

Calibre is a unique and powerfully transformative course – empowering disabled people to remove the barriers they face in the workplace and helping them to reach their potential as leaders

– Dr Ossie Stuart

As the first course of its kind in the higher education sector, Calibre was also open to other institutions - Imperial staff were joined on the programme by staff from UCL, Oxford University NHS Trust, the University of Hertfordshire, and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Nine participants attended a series of six interactive workshops between January and May, which aimed to empower them to see disability as strength in the workplace and equipped them with a greater understanding of effective leadership practices.

Dr Ossie Stuart, a specialist consultant on disability issues, designed and led the Calibre Programme. Speaking at the event he said: “It has been very enjoyable getting to know everyone over the past five months, and I am grateful for Imperial’s support in running this programme for the second year.

“Calibre is a unique and powerfully transformative course – empowering disabled people to remove the barriers they face in the workplace and helping them to reach their potential as leaders.”

Althea Wroblewska

Calibre participant, Althea Wroblewska

Course participant Althea Wroblewska, from Imperial's Finance Division, said: “The Calibre Programme has been a real journey of self-discovery for me, and I’ve learnt a lot about my own leadership style, both from the course and from working with others taking part.”

“It has given me the confidence to speak up about the barriers that I and other disabled people face in the workplace in order to educate others and drive positive change.”

Leyla Okhai, Imperial’s Equality and Diversity Manager, presented the participants with their certificates. She said:

“I was delighted to see, for the second year running, how participation in the Calibre Leadership Programme had inspired and empowered participants to develop both professionally and personally. I am proud that Imperial is championing this unique course and that we are encouraging the development of all staff across our diverse community.”


Deborah Evanson

Deborah Evanson
Communications Division

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