Blackett Laboratory designated an European Physical Society Historic Site

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EPS Plaque - Blackett Laboratory

Imperial College's Blackett Laboratory has been designated an European Physical Society Historic Site

The unveiling of the European Physical Society plaque was carried out on level 3 of the Blackett Laboratory on 30 April 2014. 

It also marked the last official duty by Professor Jo Haigh as Head of the Physics Department. She spoke of the history of the building and the ground breaking research that took place then and now as well as of physicists past and present. This was followed by a talk given by Professor John Dudley, President of the European Physical Society.

The E.P.S historic site designations are only awarded to a few institutions. Professor Tom Kibble spoke of Lord Patrick Blackett and unveiled the plaque to an audience of visitors, academics, students and staff of Blackett, a social mix that Blackett himself would have approved of.

A celebration was held for all in the Blackett Common Room and everyone enjoyed the musical interlude performed by our talented musicians in Physics, Dr Arnaud Czaja on the piano and Ciara Mulholland, our very own unique songstress. It was a celebration to remember and the sky view from our unique and panoramic terrace did not stint on the Turneresque sunset later in the evening.







Victoria Garland

Victoria Garland
Department of Physics

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Meilin Sancho

Meilin Sancho
Department of Physics