Esther Rodriguez-Villegas will give a plenary talk at the CMOSETR 2015


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Speaker CMOSETR 2015

Esther Rodriguez-Villegas will give a plenary talk at the CMOS Emerging Technologies Research Symposium (CMOSETR 2015) Vancouver, Canada

Esther Rodriguez-Villegas will give a plenary talk at the CMOS Emerging Technologies Research Symposium (CMOSETR 2015) Vancouver, Canada.

CMOS Emerging Technologies was founded in 2006 to provide researchers and industry representatives in the high-tech sector with an opportunity to discuss new and exciting developments in all areas of high technology. To this end, we host annual symposia that bring together researchers, business people, and investors interested in exploring opportunities for collaboration.

CMOSETR 2015 will be held 20-22 May 2015 at Hyatt Regency Vancouver, Vancouver, Canada.


Siavash Saremi-Yarahmadi

Siavash Saremi-Yarahmadi
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

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