Professor Cedo Maksimovic

Professor Cedo Makisimovic

Invited Lectures and Workshops

Leads workshop at international cultural festival

On Friday, June 6th, Prof. Cedo Maksimovic will lead a workshop on the Blue Green Dream project at the Mikser Festival in Belgrade, Serbia. 

 The workshop seeks to unite pro-active, dynamic and innovative professionals under the banner of developing Blue Green Solutions to the mounting threats posed to cities the world over by Climate Change, weather extremes and the endemic urban problems of noise, air pollution and loss of biodiversity.

The Mikser Festival is a major cultural exposition, featuring myriad music performances, art displays and exhibitions, plus workshops and seminars, which is held each year in Belgrade.  This year’s event (2014) runs from June 5th until June 8th.  Friday’s Blue Green Dream workshop will be held at Hotel Bristol, Karadjordjeva 50, Belgrade.  For further information please consult the BGD project web-site.

Invited lectures at Future Cities Seminar in Slovenia

Prof. Cedo Maksimović, PI of the Blue Green Dream project, will give two invited lectures on sustainable urban design/planning at a Future Cities seminar hosted by the University of Ljubljana, which will run on June 9th and 10th, 2014.  

 The seminar will cover the latest developments in Future Cities research and in particular, the decentralisation of urban infrastructure and the integrated management of water, food and energy services.  Details of the talks and their timings are available from the seminar programme.

Blue Green Dream Presentation picks up plaudits at the Annual Global Forum on Urban Resilience and Adaptation

Prof. Cedo Maksimovic, Principal Investigator of the Blue Green Dream (BGD) project, presented, with Ivana Mrosavic, a BGD affiliated PhD student at the University of Bonn, the Blue Green Dream concept at Resilient Cities 2014: The Annual Global Forum on Urban Resilience and Adaptation

 Posing the key question, To blue-green or not to blue-green,  Prof. Maksimović described how through following BGD principles, building climate change resilience into the urban environment could yield multiple benefits: “Adaptation is not just a negative measure, it can also create opportunities for the city.

Cedo and Ivana were joined at the session by 4 other panellists and the event drew strong praise from the Forum’s blog, where it was described as the most upbeat and positive session of Resilient Cities 2014.




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