Universities Week 2014 runs from 9-15 June and is coordinated by Universities UK. This year’s topic is research that makes an impact on everyday life. Imperial is holding five Twitter Q&As throughout the week with some of the College’s renowned academics, and you can ask them questions via the hashtags #PeoplesQs, #ideasforlife or #uniweek.
Professor Sara Rankin, from the National Heart and Lung Institute, is taking part in a Twitter Q&A on Monday 9 June from 13:45-14:15 via the Faculty of Medicine’s Twitter handle (@FoMImperial). She’ll be answering questions on regenerative medicine, stem cells and building tissue engineered organs.
On Tuesday 10 June, Chair in Economics Professor Jonathan Haskel is answering questions about his wide range of research at Imperial College Business School (via @imperialbiz) from 10:30-11:00.
Wednesday 11 June provides an opportunity to find out about biomedical engineering and the process of taking an idea from the lab to full-scale production via @imperialspark with Professor James Moore Jnr, Bagrit and RAEng Chair in Medical Devices at Imperial’s Department of Bioengineering (from 14:30-15:00)
On Thursday 12 June, Professor EJ Milner-Gulland will be answering your questions from @imperialspark (13:00-13:30) about conservation and the vast array of different challenges in preserving ecosystems and the environment.
Rounding out the week on Friday 13 June, Professor Debra Humprhis, Vice-Provost (Education) will be answering your questions about the role of universities in the education system and their importance as places of social enterprise, via @imperialcollege from 11:30-12:00.