Imperial News

Imperial announces awards for staff to recognise outstanding student support

by Deborah Evanson

Thirty members of staff have been chosen to receive the 2014 President & Rector's Awards for Excellence.

The prizes are awarded annually to staff who have made outstanding contributions in teaching, pastoral care, research supervision and supporting the student experience.

I am extremely grateful to all the awardees for their hard work and tireless dedication to making Imperial an excellent place for our students

– Professor Debra Humphris

Vice Provost (Education)

The awardees were nominated by staff and students across the College, with winners decided by a selection panel chaired by Vice Provost (Education) Professor Debra Humphris.

Professor Humphris said: "An outstanding education requires outstanding staff. That excellence occurs on a day-to-day basis, often quietly and behind the scenes. That’s why opportunities like this, when we acknowledge the immense contributions of some our most committed colleagues, are so valuable.  

"I am extremely grateful to all the awardees for their hard work and tireless dedication to making Imperial an excellent place for our students.”

Two awardees from each category, judged to have made particularly exceptional contributions, were also selected to receive the President & Rector’s Medal. Medal winners will be invited to receive their medal at the Commemoration Day Ceremony in October or May.

Dr John GibbonsDr John Gibbons, from the Department of Mathematics, was awarded a President & Rector’s Medal for Excellence in Pastoral Care, recognising his contribution to student welfare as a postgraduate tutor for over a decade. He said: “I am delighted and moved to have been given this honour by the College for doing such an enjoyable and stimulating job.

“Looking after the progression and welfare of postgraduates is intrinsically rewarding.  Many of them have since gone on to become mathematical colleagues, here or elsewhere.

“It has only been possible to look after such a complex programme with a wonderful administrative team supporting me, particularly as student numbers have doubled. The support of all the academic staff in the Department, too, has been massive, and very welcome.”

Maria Toro-TroconisDr Maria Toro-Troconis was awarded the President & Rector's Medal for Supporting the Student experience, for her work rolling out innovative e-learning projects accross the Faculty of Medicine. She said: "I’m thrilled and honoured to receive the Medal for Supporting the Student Experience. This is an award for the whole Faculty of Medicine and its eLearning team - without their constant support and trust it would have been impossible to achieve all that we have so far.

"I would also like to thank colleagues and students who supported me for this medal and take the opportunity to say how lucky I feel to be part of such a wonderful team. "

Dr William KnottenbeltDr William Knottenbelt, from the Department of Computing, was recognised with a Medal for Outstanding Contribution to Teaching Excellence, acknowledging the quality of his teaching activities as well as his pioneering work to involve industry in student projects. He said: "I'm surprised and delighted to be awarded a President's Medal. Computing Science can be a challenging subject to teach especially on account of its rapid and continuous evolution.

"Over the last decade I have been fortunate enough to have the opportunity, through my administrative role as Director of Industrial Liaison, to bring to our students a range of activities that have been inspired by or led by industry.

“I believe there's a lot of benefit to be had from collaborations between industry and academia- from the perspective of staff, students and companies alike - and I'd like to thank all our industrial partners who have helped to challenge and inspire generations of our students.”

Professor Miriam MoffattProfessor Miriam Moffatt, from the National Heart and Lung Institute, received a medal for Excellence in Research Supervision in recognition of her thought out and structured approach to supervising postgraduates and the time she invests in mentoring and supporting them. She said: “Being involved in the training and education of the next generation of doctoral scientists and clinical academics is one of the greatest pleasures of working in academia. 

“To therefore be the recipient of not only the President’s award but the medal as well is an incredible honour, especially as this would not have been possible without the support of my students past and present as well as my colleagues.”