Imperial News

Launch of the latest Montpellier Panel Report coming soon!

by Stephanie Brittain

The latest Montpellier Panel report "Small & Growing: Entrepreneurship in African Agriculture" is to be launched on the 25th of June in London.

Agriculture for Impact are proud to announch the launch of our latest Montpellier Panel briefing paper "Small and Growing: Entrepreneurship in African Agriculture".

Sir Professor Gordon Conway will be chairing a session with a selected number of Montpellier Panel members;

  • Jane Karuku, President of Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA)
  • Daniel Gad, Owner of Omega Farms, Ethiopia
  • Strive Masiyiwa, Board Chair of AGRA and founder of Econet Wireless 
  • Roy Steiner, Deputy Director of Agriculture, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

The report will be made avaiable on line from the 25th of June on our website. 

Link to the website page: // 

Please contat if you have any questions or wish to be sent a pdf of the report.