John Labram wins 2014 Elings Prize Fellowship in Experimental Science


John Labram

Congratulations to John Labram of the CPE who won the Elings Prize Fellowship in Experimental Science 2014

John received his undergraduate degree in Physics from The University of Warwick in 2008. He received his PhD from Imperial College London in Experimental Solid State Physics in 2011. During his PhD John studied ambipolar organic field-effect transistors under the supervision of Prof. Thomas Anthopoulos. Between 2011 and 2013 John took a break from academia and worked for The Royal Bank of Scotland as a currency-options trader. Here he specialized in understanding and predicting trends in the volatility of emerging-market currencies. John returned to Imperial College in September 2013 and will join CNSI as an Elings Fellow in November 2014.

For more information on the Elings Prize Fellowship and how to apply, visit their website.


Lisa O'Donnell

Lisa O'Donnell
Department of Physics

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