Imperial News

Imperial alumni reunite in East Asia

by Andrew Scheuber, Jenn Rowater

Hundreds of Imperial alumni gathered at the College's largest ever Singapore and Malaysia receptions this week.

The Singapore event was hosted by British High Commissioner Antony Phillipson at Eden Hall. 

Singapore alumniThe High Commissioner said that “Universities are one of the UK’s great assets, and Imperial is the gold standard.” He praised the way Imperial has built relationships with its highly active alumni community in Singapore. 

His Excellency was joined by Imperial’s President & Rector Sir Keith O’Nions, who updated alumni on College news, and Vice-President (Development & Innovation) Professor David Gann who presented the College’s evolving vision for Imperial West.

I had the best time of my life.

– Ivan Gn

Chemistry, 2009

Sir Keith updated guests on the emerging innovation district at Imperial West, where more than 70 spinouts and early stage companies are based. He emphasised the new campus’ vast scale given its London location, saying: “we have acquired 25 acres in west London for Imperial West; like us Londoners, space constrained Singaporeans really recognise how valuable that can be.”

Professor Gann premiered a new film about Imperial West, as he spoke about the fast-moving development of the flagship Research & Translation Hub. 

Tan Hang Cheong, President of Imperial College Alumni Association of Singapore, noted that this would be Sir Keith’s last of many visits to Singapore as President & Rector, as he retires after the summer. Mr Tan said: “Sir Keith has blazed a trail for his successors in the way he has engaged alumni all around the world and especially in Singapore.”

Singapore alumniMr Tan added that through Sir Keith’s regular work in Singapore, including the founding of LKCMedicine, he had done more than anyone else to cultivate relations with the Singapore alumni community. 

Among the Singaporean alumni at the event were couple Peir Wei Chia and Yen-Hui Tu (both Electrical Engineering, 2001), who brought their daughter along to the reception. Mr Chia said: “We were on the same course and met on our first day in Weeks Hall. We unpacked and then packed again to set off the very next day on a hall trip to France where we got talking…” 

The pair said they greatly enjoy Imperial’s alumni events, which “make us feel connected with the College.” They even returned to London for the May 2013 alumni reception in South Kensington.

Singapore alumniIvan Gn (Chemistry, 2009) felt nostalgic at the reception. He said: “I have really great memories of the Fellwanderers hiking club. I had the best time of my life.”

Rong Kai Wong (Chemical Engineering, 2012), also had fond memories of extra-curricular activities: “My best memories are with the caving club when we explored the caves in Yorkshire. You don’t really get caves in Singapore, so it was a great experience.”

Zhen Xiong Lim (Chemical Engineering, 2013), reminisced about his time in the Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) society: “We worked with College catering to set up a stall in the JCR selling bubble tea, which is very popular in Asia. We reinvested our profits in charitable causes.”

Another graduate who took an enterprising approach to student life was Cong Sheng (Chemistry, 2011), who said: “One of the best experiences I had at Imperial was editing the first edition of the journal A Global Village, which explores issues at the intersection of science and public policy.” 

Malaysian Mixer

After Singapore, Sir Keith and colleagues headed to Kuala Lumpur for a Malaysian alumni reunion.

Sir Keith, like the manager of a German football team, has brought the stars to Imperial

– Dato' Siew Ka Wei

President, Imperial College Alumni Association of Malaysia

The guests were welcomed by Ray Kyles, Britain’s Acting High Commissioner to Malaysia, who remarked on the great contributions Imperial alumni have made to the country.

Imperial College Alumni Association of Malaysia President Dato' Siew Ka Wei said it was “a reflection of love for Imperial that alumni should come in such strong numbers for a reception on a public holiday and during fasting”. 

Dato' Siew added: “Sir Keith, like the manager of a German football team, has brought the stars to Imperial”. In the last year alone, two of the world’s leading economists, Professors Franklin Allen and Douglas Gale, and globally renowned Business School Dean G. ‘Anand’ Anandalingam joined the College. 

Alumni in KLHe said that “the future is bright for the College, and alumni are proud to be part of such an influential and forward thinking community.” 

One alumnus at the event, Dr Feng Huai Tai (Meng Chemical Engineering and Chemical Technology 2008, DIC 2009), met his wife at the College. They both have especially fond memories of Professor Stephen Richardson’s inspiring and humorous lectures: for Dr Tai, Professor Richard’s penchant for using chalk – and holding it in his mouth – is unforgettable.