Professor Jo Haigh, Head of Physics 2009-2014

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Professor Jo Haigh

Professor Jo Haigh's time as Head of Physics celebrated by the Department

A departmental reception was held in June to celebrate Professor Jo Haigh’s time as HoD of Physics and also to welcome our incoming HoD, Jordan Nash. Kenny Weir gave a speech of thanks in praise of Jo which was accompanied by a round of appreciative applause from the guests.

On the 3rd of July Jo was presented with a framed double photo of views from the east side and west side of the Blackett Laboratory.

Jo ‘enjoyed the view from her office while in post and was delighted to receive this gift to remember it by’.

We wish Jo all the very best in her new post as a Co-Director of the College’s new Grantham Institute for Climate Change and Environment.

The splendid east side view was photographed by John Tisch and the sunset by Meilin Sancho.




Victoria Garland

Victoria Garland
Department of Physics

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Meilin Sancho

Meilin Sancho
Department of Physics