Imperial News

New CEO to manage co-location and enterprises at Imperial West

by Andrew Scheuber

Dr Eulian Roberts has become the first Chief Executive of Imperial West Enterprises.

Imperial West Enterprises will develop, grow and operate activities at Imperial West. Dr Roberts will work with colleagues across Imperial College London and beyond, to ensure that Imperial West becomes a dynamic and productive innovation district for world-leading academics, innovative companies and entrepreneurs. 

Dr Eulian Roberts

Dr Eulian Roberts

Dr Roberts was most recently Chief Executive of Dhahran Techno Valley Company in Saudi Arabia and, prior to this, he held the position of Managing Director at Qatar Science & Technology Park, Qatar. 

Dr Roberts completed a BSc and PhD at Imperial, and also holds an MBA from Heriot-Watt University.

Dr Eulian Roberts, Chief Executive of Imperial West Enterprises, said: “It is a pleasure to return to Imperial to work on this thrilling opportunity for the College and London.

“Imperial West has the potential to take the College’s collaborative research and translation work to the next level. I am convinced that this model of co-locating excellent research from Imperial, other world-class universities, the private sector and NHS will unleash a new wave of innovation.

“I’m looking forward to working with colleagues and partners to make our ambitious vision for Imperial West a reality.”

Wealth of opportunities

Imperial's Professor David Gann, Vice-President (Development and Innovation), who, alongside the President, is responsible for shaping the overarching vision for Imperial West, said:

David Gann

Professor David Gann CBE

“Eulian’s international experience at the cutting-edge of research and innovation linking academics with business makes him the ideal person to help Imperial West to develop and grow. 

“Construction has begun on our Research and Translation Hub, and our plans for wider interactions with industry are already taking shape. With more than 70 companies already located at Imperial West, the sheer scale and wealth of opportunities available at Imperial West is becoming ever more apparent. I am delighted to see Eulian in place to help shape this extraordinary new innovation district.”