Imperial News

Graduation Triumph for Chemical Engineers

by Rayner Simpson

Our 2014 graduates celebrated receiving their hard-earned MEng degrees at the College's Commemoration Day on 22nd October

Image: Commemoration day

Graduates, friends and family descended on the Department on Wednesday 22nd October to celebrate Commemoration Day, Imperial College's annual day of graduation ceremonies which take place at the Albert Hall.

Following the ceremony (which you can see some pictures and videos of on the College's news site), our recently-graduated final year students came to a very busy reception at the Department for drinks, food and now-legendary cupcakes, where Professor Livingston announced the winners of this year's prizes (a full list of which can be found below).  Here is a selection of the best pictures from the evening:

2014 Prize Winners

Governers' Prize in Chemical Engineering - Ahmad bin amru

£250 to spend on books - awarded to the student of greatest merit in the final examinations.

Hinchley Medal - TEdrick salim lew

£250 - awarded by the institution of Chemical Engineers to the student of greatest merit in the final examinations.

William Peck Book Prize - Arthur Kouyoumdjian

£250 - awarded annually to a student of the Department for proficiency in the final examinations and in the design project.

Ken Weale Memorial Prize - yi kai ong

£250 - Awarded to the student of greatest merit on the Chemical Engineering with a Year Abroad course who has spent a year studying in a non-English speaking country.

Katrina Jacks Memorial Prize - sheryl ho

£250 - Awarded to a student of high merit in the 4th year.

Shell Prize - maziar fayaz-torshizi, xian bin chua

£250 each - awarded annually to up to four Chemcal Engineering students for oustanding performances on the industrial Link Project

Henry Sawistowski Travel Fellowship - tedrick salim lew, naveen pillai

Up to £500 (shared) for travel and accommodation - awarded annually to one or two graduates for outstanding performance on the Link/Research project.

Roger Sargent Prize - eleanor shead

£250 - annual award to a student in the 3rd or 4th year for work in the application of computers to the solution of chemical engineering problems.

Loveless Book Prize - james kight

£250 - awarded annually to an undergraduate for outstanding performance in the Humanities or Social Studies.

Lonza Prize - clara hedegaard

£250 - awarded for outstanding performance on a pharmaceutical related final year design project or biopharmaceutical related final year research project.

Chemical Engineering Student Centenary Prize - andrew watson

£250 - awarded to the undergraduate student who is adjudged to have achieved the greatest merit in project work in the final year of the MEng in Chemical Engineering.